A Little Bit of Everything

Archive for the ‘Canada’ Category

What are you protesting, people?!

This is going to be a shorter post but I really wanted to get something new up here and this is something that I’ve been wondering about.

So, the g8 and g20 summits are happening in Toronto this year, right?  The protests are all over the news; apparently they’re pretty crazy.  A police car was actually set on fire! I keep seeing stuff on my facebook and other stuff about people being really supportive of the protest, saying the protesters are doing a great job.  My one question is this; what the heck are they protesting? The summits are about leaders coming together to make change.  Did I miss something?  Is this a bad thing? Why are people protesting possible change for the better?  I’m so confused.  Anyway, that’s that.

In other news, I think I’m going to seperate my photos into a whole new blog just for them and hopefully actually get itgoing.  I’m also probably going to start a blog for a catering business I would like to open eventually.  I’ll post more when these blogs are up and running.


The name I’ve chosen

Okay, I do have to do some chemistry homework before going to a Yule celebration but Idecided to first make a quick post here.  I said in my last post that Daine isn’t my real name, so I thought I’d give you a little insight as to why I chose that name. 

Daine is the main character in The Immortals quartet, written by Tamora Pierce.  Although she is Veralidaine Sarrasri throughout that quartet, she shows up as Veralidaine Salmalin in the proceeding one.  There are currently three quartets and one series consisting of two books by Tamora Pierce that are placed in the fictional kingdom of Tortall. 

Perhaps one of the things I love about her work is that she keeps the quartets connected; the main character in one quartet will most likely show up once or twice, if not be a constant secondary character in another.  In chronological order, the quartets (and series) are The Song of the Lioness quartet, The Immortals quartet, The Protector of the Small quartet, and the Trickster series.  I would strongly recommend books written by Tamora Pierce, she is definitely one of the top fantasy writers of this time.

Now, one of the major reasons I like Daine so much is probably the fact that she has the ability to speak with and shapeshift into animals.  You’ll learn in future posts that I am a big animal lover.  Also though, she has a strong sense of right and wrong.  When she is hunting, she closes of the part of her mind that normally calls animals to her, and in doing so, makes sure that she doesn’t have an unfair advantage over the animals.

So now that you have a better idea on why I chose the name Daine, I will leave you with another hilarious citation from “How to be a Canadian”

“Lunenburg was also the home of the famous Bluenose schooner, as seen on Canadian coins.  What few people realize*, however, is that the portrait of the Bluenose that appears on the 10-cent piece is a life-size rendering.  Understandably, many visitors to Nova Scotia are a bit disappointed when they first see the Bluenose tethered in its harbour”

*I was shocked and appalled to see realise spelled with a z in a canadian book.  I am very proud of the fact that we spell some things differently from americans, e.g. realise, colour, favourite, and hope that those differences remain in tact in Canadian literature.